burcu erkin : (big boss)working with her is like walking in the coast line with a badge on your eyes. One might never now, when it is shallow and safe or deep and dangerous. But it is always a pleasure to feel the water on your ankles...
belkıs arabacı: (border jr.) working with her is complicated as the budgets that we handle together and emotional as a soap opera... the way she makes fun of everything and her driving skills are worth an applause...Love your new hair sytle by the way, when is the next friends session???
senay gokpar:(betty boarder) an ultimate social bug... excessive experiment...big & bold blue eyes...sports fan and a great windsurf teacher... but a possiblity of a storm is always to consider if you are working with her. That storm u don't want to see guys I assure you!!!
egemen ozcan: (minyonların sevgilisi) if you love travelling by plane, you will adore travelling by plane with him sitting near you. Working with him is like visiting an amusement arcade. Sometimes tiring but always fun...Hope he'll find his inner peace someday somehow...
ezgi gürbüz:(silent beauty) she is the most complicated and interesting character I've ever seen. She is so calm ad silent that sometimes her smooth and silent approach to things freaks me out:) But she is the best and she is my little friend.Working with her one can feel having a strong partner which you can not see and seize.
burçin aksay: (hacııı) the less is more, burçin is a great guy with a big heart... He has been travelling ever since I get to know him. So I hope one day he'll settle down and I'll have more time to know him. But always keep in mind that when he says ı need some sleep be prepared to be dancing at a club in Bodrum with a beer on one hand. Thank you for the Bodrum trip.(special thanks to sg and eg =)

belkıs arabacı: (border jr.) working with her is complicated as the budgets that we handle together and emotional as a soap opera... the way she makes fun of everything and her driving skills are worth an applause...Love your new hair sytle by the way, when is the next friends session???
senay gokpar:(betty boarder) an ultimate social bug... excessive experiment...big & bold blue eyes...sports fan and a great windsurf teacher... but a possiblity of a storm is always to consider if you are working with her. That storm u don't want to see guys I assure you!!!
egemen ozcan: (minyonların sevgilisi) if you love travelling by plane, you will adore travelling by plane with him sitting near you. Working with him is like visiting an amusement arcade. Sometimes tiring but always fun...Hope he'll find his inner peace someday somehow...
ezgi gürbüz:(silent beauty) she is the most complicated and interesting character I've ever seen. She is so calm ad silent that sometimes her smooth and silent approach to things freaks me out:) But she is the best and she is my little friend.Working with her one can feel having a strong partner which you can not see and seize.
burçin aksay: (hacııı) the less is more, burçin is a great guy with a big heart... He has been travelling ever since I get to know him. So I hope one day he'll settle down and I'll have more time to know him. But always keep in mind that when he says ı need some sleep be prepared to be dancing at a club in Bodrum with a beer on one hand. Thank you for the Bodrum trip.(special thanks to sg and eg =)
kerem kınal: (undefined guitar playing object - UGPO) kerem is like a nite club with a sign "warning: high volume may harm your ears" :) I assume that he was a famous bas in his former life. He always helps out, a good friend actually. I love playing the piano with him... Happy to see him back at the office after his long jourbey to ... everywhere :)
demet dağıstanlı: (demetriu) unknown , unpredictable, strong and self-determined. working with demet can not me meajured or compared to sth else.. you just experience and see...